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Webmaster Xenforo Help Central

User based alternative Xenforo support site

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This site was brought into being to provide an unbiased and unfiltered place for users of Xenforo to come to get help by a group of long time license holders of Xenforo several of which that are active on the site. Some are more familiar with the server setup and needs of Xenforo while others are more knowledgeable of the day to day running of the script.

The only requirements are basically that you be using Xenforo. We do not promulgate nor promote piracy on the site, but we also are not going to do a deep background check on you to see if you have a valid license or not. All we ask is that you respect others and not promote piracy on the site and provide help to others when you can.

The site is running NodeBB instead of Xenforo. There is a reason that is and I am not going to detail it here. Suffice to say we wanted to reduce any chance of outside interference on the site that might occur if we were using Xenforo.
We were running SMF and due to there being no converter/importer we have had to start the site over from scratch.

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Date Founded
Jul 18, 2024
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