Cpvr's latest activity

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  • Cpvr
    Cpvr replied to the thread Hello everyone!.
    Welcome to AAF!
  • Cpvr
    Cpvr reacted to Cedric's post in the thread Why run a BBS via the internet? with Haha Haha.
    I don't even know what I'm looking at.
  • Cpvr
    Cpvr replied to the thread Count to 100 (spelling).
    Thirty nine
  • Cpvr
    Cpvr replied to the thread Lurkers.
    Lurkers lurk because they’re shy and are hesitant to join. The best way to encourage them is to ask more questions and try to lure them...
  • Cpvr
    Exactly. I don’t think it’s a serious issue, at least not yet. However, I’d be concern when we reach a point where forums are created...
  • Cpvr
    Have you checked your analytics logs or Google search console to see where they could possibly be coming in from? The referral track...
  • Cpvr
    Cpvr replied to the thread What did you drink last?.
    Diet dr pepper was the last thing that I had to drink.
  • Cpvr
    Cpvr replied to the thread Page views in last 30 days?.
    My pageviews increased from January to February. It’s on track to increase again this month. Social traffic, direct traffic, search...
  • Cpvr
    Cpvr replied to the thread Doctor Visit.
    I usually go every couple of months to get my medications refilled & my blood work done. I have high cholesterol and high blood...
  • Cpvr
    Cpvr replied to the thread External Chat and Discord.
    I don’t have a discord for my forum and have no plans to implement one. I believe it’ll take away all the activity from the forum itself.
  • Cpvr
    Cpvr replied to the thread What did you eat last?.
    Chicken alfredo was the last thing that I ate.
  • Cpvr
    I don’t think there’s such a thing as being too young. I created my first forum at 15. As long as you have the willingness to do...
  • Cpvr
    No, spam doesn’t bother me. It takes seconds to remove it and to ban the member.
  • Cpvr
    I’m currently listening to growing and changing by Kj thomas
  • Cpvr
    Cpvr replied to the thread What are you doing for forum SEO?.
    It also helps when the site’s navigation. I think it’s important that we make navigation easier on our forums. It can also help our...
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