Recent content by Nebulous

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  1. Nebulous

    How to convert lurking members/guests to engage more?

    You probably need to engage with them more. Like and quote their posts. Acknowledge what they said and ask them follow up questions about whatever they are talking about.
  2. Nebulous

    How often do you travel?

    I live in California so I find traveling to be a downgrade from my current surroundings. I am already in paradise. Just kidding... Its fun to get out and experience different places. I would do it more often but its so expensive.
  3. Nebulous

    Do you have a personal blog?

    I do as of December 23, 2024. :D Link in siggy.
  4. Nebulous

    F*** You!

    If someone is saying that to you then they are probably wanting to get banned on purpose because they are upset. How would I handle it? I suppose I'd just stop replying and watch that member to see if they are going to continue their tantrum in public.
  5. Nebulous

    Join a lot of forums?

    Same here, that's usually my preferred genre.
  6. Nebulous

    Do you still own a CD player?

    I have things that can play CD's (gaming systems, I have an external CD drive / burner for my PC) but no dedicated CD player anymore. My car has a CD player which I thought was an odd choice because its only a couple years old. People don't carry the sleeve of CD's around with them anymore...
  7. Nebulous

    Join a lot of forums?

    Some people are very apprehensive about what they say or do online. Others just don't really have anything to say I suppose.
  8. Nebulous

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

    it's almost New Years Eve!
  9. Nebulous

    Highest post count?

    Over 80k
  10. Nebulous

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

    Merry Christmas (eve) or Merry Christmas (day), whenever you're reading this :D Lets hope 2025 is a good year too!
  11. Nebulous

    Join a lot of forums?

    Glad you dont have a problem. Sometimes my account gets deleted if I don't come back soon enough on some forums.
  12. Nebulous

    Join a lot of forums?

    I join a lot of forums but I am guilty of not staying active. At least I can help out by boosting thier member count by one member and I do the pop-in when I can.
  13. Nebulous

    Next movie you think you'll see in Cinema?

    What's the next movie you think you'll see in the Cinema?
  14. Nebulous

    Forum Friends

    Do you have many forum friends who you feel close to? Have they been a friend of yours for a long time?
  15. Nebulous

    Has the climate in your area changed?

    Has the climate in your area changed in the past 10 years? If so, how?'
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