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Reviving Old Forums

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As Shawn has done here has anyone revived an old forum?

I closed all my sites down 5 years ago. Went through some health problems and couldn't keep up with the work a forum needs. Since I have re-opened most of the popular sites and added a couple new ones.

I used to promote my sites like crazy to make some extra beer money. In the glory days I'd make $400-500 from Adsense. This time around I'm doing it to have fun.

If you've revived a forum what were/are the results?
Closing down AAF 1.0 was hard but I was going through a difficult time back then.

Reviving AAF 2.0 has shown to be harder in terms of building it back up but I'm okay with it slowly building in all honesty.

At the end of the day, I'm way busier now than I was back when I ran it the first time.
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I’m in the same boat as @Shawn Gossman.

I’m currently rebuilding my forum after losing over 10k members and more than 200k posts from 2011-2017. I went through some hard times between 2017 and 2020, which led to losing everything, so I had to start from scratch. I brought my forum back online in 2020, but it took a long time to fully recover as I took a 4 year hiatus from the internet due to real life issues. I finally returned this past January, and rebuilding has been tougher since I was absent for four years.

Still, it's coming along, and I’m grateful and pleased with the progress so far.
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