Has anyone got 1 million posts yet?

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
Reaction score
Do any of you have a million posts or more yet?

How long did it take for you to get to a million posts?

Was it by original member content, or did you accomplish this by acquiring and merging forums?
I recently sold a forum recently with 1.7 million posts. My tech support site has 1.5 million but that is because I merged 2 other sites into it. Before the merge it had just over 600K posts.

My first forum took about 18 months to hit a million. When I sold it it was at 3.7 million. My first off topic forum hit a million posts in 3 months. When I sold it it had almost 5 million posts.
I recently sold a forum recently with 1.7 million posts. My tech support site has 1.5 million but that is because I merged 2 other sites into it. Before the merge it had just over 600K posts.

My first forum took about 18 months to hit a million. When I sold it it was at 3.7 million. My first off topic forum hit a million posts in 3 months. When I sold it it had almost 5 million posts.
How do you think it did it?

Was there a viral post?
How do you think it did it?

Was there a viral post?
Had a very vocal core group of 300 users that posted quality thought provoking topics. They seeded the forum and it took off from there. In the end there were only like 7500 members total. 600 or more were always online at one time. Post a topic and in minutes it had 20 replies.
Had a very vocal core group of 300 users that posted quality thought provoking topics. They seeded the forum and it took off from there. In the end there were only like 7500 members total. 600 or more were always online at one time. Post a topic and in minutes it had 20 replies.
That's how my Skywarn Forum used to be, before I lost it all.

I'd visit each day and there would be so many replies that I couldn't reply to them all in a day.
Admin-junkies.com is the forum which I'm currently using that have over 1 million posts. Although, it's as a result of merged a lot of other forum's database with it. The last forum's database they merged was Bizdustry and Index Forum.
Admin Junkies has done very well even if they used mergers to get there.

I'm not against merging as long as you give the option for people to leave if they don't want to be a part of it.
Admin Junkies has done very well even if they used mergers to get there.

I'm not against merging as long as you give the option for people to leave if they don't want to be a part of it.
You mean allowing those they merged with to leave if they don't want to be part of it anymore? If that's the case, unfortunately that's not on the table because the owner actually bought them out. They have been fully absorbed by Admin-junkies.com 100%.
Admin-junkies.com is the forum which I'm currently using that have over 1 million posts. Although, it's as a result of merged a lot of other forum's database with it. The last forum's database they merged was Bizdustry and Index Forum.
They’ve merged about 3 different forums onto theirs, possibly move. The structure of the entire community has changed since then. It’s more than the just an admin/webmaster forum now, which is an okay thing for diverse discussions. However, I think a brand change would be necessary as there’s a lot more content than admin/webmaster over anything else. The financial content overrides the main board’s niche.
However, I think a brand change would be necessary as there’s a lot more content than admin/webmaster over anything else. The financial content overrides the main board’s niche.
You're very observant to pick that out. I know for sure that it's the Bizdustry and Index merger that boosted the financial contents more than the main niche. I was a staff on both board to know where their thrived more in contents.
The financial content overrides the main board’s niche.
That's happening to a lot of admin sites though. I'm getting where I am less and less inclined to visit them since I'm not in it for the money and have more interest in reading more technical aspects of the hobby.

Me, I don't get many posts.. but it is nice to be known as the primary repository for certain files for the niche.

Screen Shot 2025-02-26 at 1.56.08 AM.png

I'm taking a break from AJ as it's more about "how to get rich quick" type monetization and general chat and less about the website administration now.
That's happening to a lot of admin sites though. I'm getting where I am less and less inclined to visit them since I'm not in it for the money and have more interest in reading more technical aspects of the hobby.

Me, I don't get many posts.. but it is nice to be known as the primary repository for certain files for the niche.

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I'm taking a break from AJ as it's more about "how to get rich quick" type monetization and general chat and less about the website administration now.
Your input is definitely going to be missed on AJ. I hope you're going to come back soon as your input is worth in which ever section you decide to give something.
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