What's your highest number of post in a forum?

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Senior Member
Jan 8, 2025
Reaction score
Have you been able to figure out the forum where your numbers of post is the highest? It might be your own forum or another forum where you're a member.

Currently, it's on Admin-junkies.com that I have the highest number of post which is at 58,625. It would have been on Bizdustry but since then merged with AJ, that's where I have the most post.

Where do you have the highest number of posts?
Mine is also The Admin Zone with 8,208 posts on my actual account BUT an additional 16,090 posts on the Shawn account which used to be AAF 1.0. When I left the forum scene to tend to my health, I gave it to Howard and he merged the database. So, 24,298 posts total on TAZ which would make me the third highest in posts. Lisa (I miss Lisa) and Howard (The Sandman) being in the lead!
Mine is also The Admin Zone with 8,208 posts on my actual account BUT an additional 16,090 posts on the Shawn account which used to be AAF 1.0. When I left the forum scene to tend to my health, I gave it to Howard and he merged the database. So, 24,298 posts total on TAZ which would make me the third highest in posts. Lisa (I miss Lisa) and Howard (The Sandman) being in the lead!
I used to think when a database is sold and transferred to another forum, the user's data on forum selling the data will be wiped off in the selling forum?

I asked because after going to check on Bizdustry, I still have the data of my number of posts still showing on the site.
I used to think when a database is sold and transferred to another forum, the user's data on forum selling the data will be wiped off in the selling forum?

I asked because after going to check on Bizdustry, I still have the data of my number of posts still showing on the site.
It all depends if there’s a contract involved and if the former owner decides to wipe the old data.

If there isn’t a contract involved, then there isn’t any rules with the database and it can be passed around without a legal standing.
It all depends if there’s a contract involved and if the former owner decides to wipe the old data.

If there isn’t a contract involved, then there isn’t any rules with the database and it can be passed around without a legal standing.
Ooh I see, that makes sense now because it had me confused initially. It's probably left in that case for cosmetics appearance.
It all depends if there’s a contract involved and if the former owner decides to wipe the old data.

If there isn’t a contract involved, then there isn’t any rules with the database and it can be passed around without a legal standing.

Howard just kept my AAF 1.0 posts under "Shawn G" and didn't migrate them into my main account.
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