Do you do crypto?

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
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Do you collect and spend or invest with crypto currency?

Do you think that crypto will become better than the currency that we all know today?
I collect crypto, but only a few ones. I have some shiba and dodge coin on robinhood. I also have another coin on a wallet that’s staked.

I don’t buy any crypto anymore though. I’ve owned these coins for about a year.
Nope. Never. I like the idea of being able to hold the currency I use in my hands.
Me too. I won't invest in silver or gold either unless I have physical access to it.
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Yes, I believe in cryptocurrency project. I've been involved with it since 2013. In fact, when it comes to getting my online payments, I prefer being paid in cryptocurrency. It can be Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, or Dogecoin.
Nope. Never. I like the idea of being able to hold the currency I use in my hands.
As the governments make more of it and lessen the value... But, I do keep $10,000 and the equivalent of such in Yen (1,000,000 Yen) in my SHTF bag. However, there's far more:
I won't invest in silver or gold
That I have physical access to.

My favorite piece is a Scottsdale machined 100 oz silver bar. It's literally a brick.

After I saw the machining of it, I traded in my poured bars at a little of a loss (now a gain) to get stackable 10 oz Scotty stackers. They're like Legos for adults. 😅

As far as crypto goes, I'm putting the technical analysis that I've learned trading other securities to work in crypto. However, since it's so volatile, I end up missing quite a few trades (+/- $250 that would allow me to pick up 0.02~ ETH/~$50 per trade) as the drops or pops happen right as I'm in bed. Looking back at my charting though, those were the sell/buy points that I had marked, so I'm confident that if I could stay awake 24 hours, I would be at 1 to 1.25 ETH by now.
In case anyone is wondering, my sell is marked around $3320 and my buy is $3120ish. Since I'm trading decentralized, I can't put in the typical sell order/stop loss/etc., it has to be manually tracked. I'm only working with pricing alerts to tell me when they hit a number to alert me to take manual action.

This is probably a 2-3 day swing trade when we reach $3320, unless it breaks out to the top hard (diagonal line from top left to mid-bottom where it meets the diagnol line from bottom left to top right (apex). There are only 14 more days in this trading pattern (unless something happens) so there may still be room for 2-3 trades to pick up 0.02 ETH each (unless I go all in with this wallet and go for 0.06-0.08 per trade).


tldr: ETH is not a buy right now if you think you're missing out. A confirmation of break and bounce off the top diagonal line would represent that.
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