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  1. JoelR

    Is Traditional Forum Software Dying?

    I would argue that the traditional forum developers have too much legacy; they can make incremental changes, but they won't make transformational changes. They have clients from 20 years ago. Where you see the biggest leaps are in the newer platforms like Circle, Kajabi, Mighty making...
  2. JoelR

    Adopting Ideas from Other Forums

    Xenforo has the greatest diaspora of casual hobbyist forum owners. Jcink forum owners are probably posting their support on Jcink; phpBB owners are posting their support questions on phpBB, etc. Xenforo users, on the other hand, are widespread. As long as folks like Shawn and Cedric and...
  3. JoelR

    Running out of content ideas

    Subscribe to experts. Subscribe to newsletters, substack, YouTube channels, and more. I have an email inbox dedicated to ideation for Admin Junkies and it's overflowing with amazing advice on community building from experts like Feverbee, Community Roundtable, Rosieland and more.
  4. JoelR

    What do you hate about forum software in general?

    The old guard These are users who insist that forums are just fine, when the rest of the world has moved on to Reddit, Discord, YouTube and yet they still insist that forum technology is fully appropriate for the modern world.
  5. JoelR

    Buying out the forum competition

    When I bought Bizdustry, Alex and I were very clear about what we could and couldn't do. We had a couple of back and forth, and it was a very reasonable conversation, and it helped that we both explained what we cared about and why so we wouldn't step on each other's toes. He really wanted...
  6. JoelR

    Buying out the forum competition

    What do you have for sale?? JK I wouldn't really call my strategy as buying out the forum competition; it was more of buying in and rapidly establishing a presence in a way that organic would have taken forever. When I did my strategic overview of forum administration, the reality is that...
  7. JoelR

    Setting posting Goals to encourage posting??

    You literally cannot post too much when you're up against @Shawn Gossman 😆
  8. JoelR

    Google Makes It Clear It Has Both Site Wide & Page Level Ranking Signals

    No, we shouldn't! Every public page in our community is potentially a front-door. In my main community, my homepage is maybe the fourth or fifth most popular page. The homepage is actually more for people searching directly for the brand or returning users. It's not for true guests, which...
  9. JoelR

    What is quality forum content?

    Content that makes you think. Content that makes you pause before replying. Content that teaches you and expands what you know.
  10. JoelR

    Telling members to go search for it

    You should go Google your answer 😆 On a serious note, Im very mixed. I've seen many instances when the same question has been asked over and over again, and the answer has been stated and confirmed. In this case, searching for the answer is a correct and valuable pathway to self-answer your...
  11. JoelR

    Rules vs. Self-Governance on Forums

    I've yet to see a forum be truly self moderating. Would love to see a real example At the end of the day, the forum is hosted and paid by someone. And that someone is the one who gets to make and enforce the rules.
  12. JoelR

    Bluesky crosses the 18 million user mark

    I don't think it's about Bluesky itself being popular, I think it's more about X being unpopular 🙃
  13. JoelR

    How do you feel about necro posting?

    This is entirely contextual to the timeliness of the thread. If it's an evergreen topic, keep the conversation going. It's okay if they post a year later! One of my most favorite things is going through the decade of conversation on Admin Junkies and seeing how timeless some of the...
  14. JoelR

    Have you ever mistakenly banned a member?

    This is one of those situations where you should exercise a little more control and thought before hitting the back button. From a design perspective, no forum software should actually make the ban button super easy. It should be a part of a menu, there could be a confirmation, etc. but...
  15. JoelR

    Pay for programming

    Do you mean pay for custom software programming to extend or add custom features?
  16. JoelR

    What makes a forum toxic?

    It might be the opposite, which is overbearing moderation
  17. JoelR

    Blocking TLDs

    I don't get this, what do you mean?
  18. JoelR

    Forums: 50 years from now

    In 50 years, online groups will continue to exist. This could be augmented reality, digital worlds, meta worlds, etc. But forums, as a specific type of technology (discussion platform), are going to be replaced by better and more graphical modes.
  19. JoelR

    What kind of forum admin are you?

    I am the kind of forum admins that makes a contextual decision. Did that user sexually solicit any underage users on my forum? Did that user act in any untoward manner toward other users? Did that user break any of the actual terms of use of my site? Did that user actually have any hint of...
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