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  1. JoelR

    What kind of forum admin are you?

    I'm actually very surprised at some of your past moderator actions. You took action on a forum member for something that happened outside of the forum, which is a very expansive perspective of admin powers.
  2. JoelR

    Banned members who won't take no for an answer

    It's why I think it's super important for any established community to have a kind of duplicate member check. Usually these are add-ons and not core to the software, but they're critical in preventing members from making and remaking new registrations.
  3. JoelR

    Members who post a lot.

    Admins want new members to post something, but not post too much! And to introduce themselves but to not self-advertise! And it's okay to post some links but not too many links! And to be friendly and open to asking any questions and giving any feedback but also don't you dare infringe on any...
  4. JoelR

    Is a former site that you brought back?
  5. JoelR

    Problem Member to Staff Member

    Did they demonstrate ownership and growth of their past issues?
  6. JoelR

    Paying for members and posts

    Gratuituous advertising. For anyone interested in exploring paid posting, you can check out the posting packages on Admin Junkies:
  7. JoelR

    April Fool's Day

    I thought this thread - appearing in October - was potentially an April Fool's joke by itself :ROFLMAO:
  8. JoelR

    Hot Tea

    Oh its amazing. I'm someone who has bourgeois taste on a Walmart budget 😆, so I love picking up premium teas on sale. Harney & Sons Paris Tea, Fruity Black tea with Bergamot, 50 teabags It's floral and citrus from the bergamot, and it has the fruity overtones of the...
  9. JoelR

    Announcing Forum Bans

    As a general rule of thumb, I agree that private matters should be kept, well, private. However, I've also been in situations where there is more to the situation, and shuffling things under the carpet can actually lead more questions. It's important that each community leader evaluates each...
  10. JoelR

    Hot Tea

    I'm a big fan of Home Goods but ... Gotta watch your budget when you shop there. It's easy to get caught up in their seasonal decor 😀
  11. JoelR

    Hot Tea

    I should add that I have quite a few teas from Walmart currently in my pantry. Ginger and tumeric, a peach tea that I like to ice, an herbal tea, etc.
  12. JoelR

    Hot Tea

    Amazon has quite a few choices of tea. I literally just ordered a Bergamot and Blueberry tea yesterday (I think the base is an English tea). My go to tea is green tea though for its antioxidant and health benefits.
  13. JoelR

    Forum Milestones

    I'm going to tweak these milestone goals (which, as a concept, I fully support. You can't run a marathon without being able to first run a mile, then two miles, then 5 miles, etc. first). You need to tweak your goals to those that you can control. One of the biggest, most consistent failures...
  14. JoelR

    What's the hardest part about starting a new forum?

    The way that you use your forum is as a resource directory, which reinforces my point. Your site is more of a resource site first, around which you happen to offer forums. Starting a true standalone forum solely focused on conversations and engagement is super hard.
  15. JoelR

    What's the hardest part about starting a new forum?

    I'm going to say something here that legacy forum admins haven't learned in over 20 years. You're probably starting your forum too early. You must have your own unique audience, your own set of followers, or your own 5 superusers who already engage with you before you should launch your...
  16. JoelR

    Ask Mike30

    Are you options, forex, futures?
  17. JoelR

    Forum Content Scheduling

    For community managers looking to maximize their efficiency, the ability to schedule threads is a must. This is built in as a core feature to IPS.
  18. JoelR

    Ever Bought out your forum competition?

    Just curious. Why didn't you keep the branding and domain of the bigger one?
  19. JoelR

    Ever Bought out your forum competition?

    I definitely think forum admins should be opportunistic and at least be open minded to opportunities when they present, and prepare a number in their head of what they would be willing to go to but no higher (it's what I call the "no regrets" number -- youre willing to pay up to that amount, and...
  20. JoelR

    How much did you spend on your forum?

    I like you :) I like Shawn :) I like certain people who bring an elevated level of conversation that isn't always found in legacy admin circles
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