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  1. JoelR

    Who do you have create your graphics these days?

    I agree, I've learned that simplicity goes a long ways, especially when you're focused and new.
  2. JoelR

    How much did you spend on your forum?

    Wait, I was looking at ForumJunkies which is 'on sale' for only $998.
  3. JoelR

    How much did you spend on your forum?

    Are you a big tipper in real life?? :D
  4. JoelR

    How much did you spend on your forum?

    I have a sister topic on AJ: The way that I asked my question on AJ is to make it sharper in helping people think through at what threshold is the spending too much.
  5. JoelR

    What's the hardest part about starting a new forum?

    This used to be my most favorite quote. So inspiring! And then I had a friend point out that you also land in the soul crushing black void of space too. 😄
  6. JoelR

    Forums that Help Forum Owners

    Admin Talk deserves a shout-out simply for it's legacy 😃
  7. JoelR

    One-column forum-style

    One of the default views of IPS is a stream view anyways. It's very Discourse-ish
  8. JoelR

    Would you ban a popular member?

    Wait, why would you ban someone for being a registered sex member? What does that have to do with online participation in a weather forum?
  9. JoelR

    Invision Is Invision leading the forum space?

    Certainly out of the legacy developers, I would argue WBB and IPS are the most forward thinking. IPS has a very strong hypothesis about the future of online communities: much more solutions oriented, much more about learning and content management, much more transactional.
  10. JoelR

    Entering a Saturated Forum Niche

    I tried to Google it, and found ForumsForums! It's like what Reddit would be if it were forums 😆. What a shame on AT. Literal ghost town. Pretty sure one of ifs most recent posts are my promo posts about Admin Junkies.
  11. JoelR

    Is Artificial Intelligence a THREAT to Forums?

    I view it as a helpful supplement. I'll be the first to honestly admit - and in not way am I ashamed at all - that I use ChatGPT to sometimes help me craft a new forum thread. The thread's idea and focus is all mine, but sometimes I'm braindead and don't want to craft the "prefacing" that...
  12. JoelR

    Still has that new car smell!

    Still has that new car smell!
  13. JoelR

    Entering a Saturated Forum Niche

    What happened?? AT is a total ghost town now
  14. JoelR

    Entering a Saturated Forum Niche

    Me too! It is a horrible, terrible, strategic mistake LOL. I cannot emphasize enough how bad and irrational of a decision it is. It's a shrinking niche in a shrinking industry with a shrinking audience. From a strategy perspective, it's literally one of the worst target niches you can pursue 🙃
  15. JoelR

    How does your forum make you feel?

    Is it actually forums itself that give you the rush of joy, or being a part of a community? For example, do you get the same rush when you post in Facebook or on another online group?
  16. JoelR

    Forum Rules versus No Forum Rules

    Either? Both? But the main point is that we need to present them at the point of engagement, not bury them in some footer links or put up a wall of text. It needs to be short, easy to read, easy to understand, and easy to implement.
  17. JoelR

    Forum Management 10 Ways to Make Your Discussion Forum More Active

    These are all solid and great points, that are well understood by most people. But I also want to point out that these are actually hard to do in the real world!
  18. JoelR

    Do forums lack modernization?

    One of the most misleading - well intended, but alluringly deceptive - objections that I recently read on XF regarding a feature was: we shouldn't build XYZ feature, because forum users don't like / want / need things to be different. This is a person who doesn't want to evolve because he...
  19. JoelR

    Forum Rules versus No Forum Rules

    This isn't a direct answer to your question, but I wanted to bring up a topic that I think we're going about our forum rules in entirely the wrong way. There are usually two levels of forum rules: - Terms of Use that are binding and legal - This is usually a wall of text that nobody ever...
  20. JoelR

    Spell Mapson Backwards

    Okay, I'm going to publicly admit this took me a lot longer than what it should have to make me understand LOL Props to you on clever security question :)
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