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  1. Cpvr

    Running out of content ideas

    No, I don’t run out of content ideas because I’m subscribed to Google blog alerts, and I receive a ton of emails every time my niche is mentioned. I also follow many subreddits on Reddit, which help me generate new content ideas. Quora is another goldmine for fresh content. The subreddit...
  2. Cpvr

    Does anyone draw or paint?

    I don’t know how to draw or paint, but if you asked me to draw a stick figure, I could.🤣
  3. Cpvr

    Do you invest?

    I own a few meme coins, shiba inu and doge, but I don’t have plans to invest some more. I have about 800,000 coins of Shiba and only 10 dodge coins. I used to buy stocks and sell them for more a few years ago.
  4. Cpvr

    Count to 100 (spelling)

  5. Cpvr

    Are forum links a waste of time?

    Don’t rely solely on forums to build links. I’d argue that John is wrong in this perspective, as forum links can still be effective. Especially when those links come from relevant sites, Google will still follow ‘nofollow’ links since they treat them as hints. These links can still help in...
  6. Cpvr


    I don’t delete their posts, but I’ll ban them or delete their account instead.
  7. Cpvr

    Staff Boards

    I have a staff board for all staff communications, along with a trash can where spam topics and things I’m working on live.
  8. Cpvr


    Welcome to AAF! @Koyala
  9. Cpvr

    Buying out the forum competition

    I think a NDA could work in this situation where the seller can’t reuse the database of forum once it’s sold. As An NDA can explicitly prohibit the seller from reusing or redistributing the forum database after the sale. To ensure enforceability, it’s essential to include specific terms about...
  10. Cpvr

    Places on Reddit that you can advertise your forum

    I’d recommend reading the How to promote on reddit guide as it can help you get started.
  11. Cpvr

    Places on Reddit that you can advertise your forum

    You’ll have to build your reputation(karma) on reddit in order to post links. The more karma points that you have, the better off you’ll be on the platform. They don’t allow new users to just post links and if you do that, they may shadowban your account.
  12. Cpvr

    Do you still own a CD player?

    No, I don’t own a cd player anymore, but I still own a stereo. It still plays cds.
  13. Cpvr

    Does Likes/Reactions Kill Forum Engagement?

    When people use “k” instead of okay it irks the heck out of me. I hate it with a passion.
  14. Cpvr

    Does Likes/Reactions Kill Forum Engagement?

    I think it initially killed forum engagement when it was first implemented, but now that it’s been around for so long, I don’t think that’s the case anymore. The only type of posts I feel might just receive a “like” instead of actual replies are news posts, where users might be too lazy to...
  15. Cpvr

    Ghost Universe [Deleted]

    This thread is for the general discussion of the link Ghost Universe. Please add to the discussion here.
  16. Cpvr

    Forum Experience

    I have 19 years of experience working on and owning forums. I’ve used vBulletin, IPB, SMF, and now XenForo. I’m also experienced in SEO and marketing, though I’d say I’m more proficient in SEO than in marketing.
  17. Cpvr

    How much do you spend a month on ads?

    I don’t spend any money on advertising, as I prefer to use free marketing tactics, such as promoting on social media, Reddit, other forums, Tumblr, and Twitter & Bluesky. I also promote the games I play, especially when other users are looking for similar ones.
  18. Cpvr

    Percentage of forum posts

    I’ve made 1,875 posts on my forum, and there are three other users who are close to reaching 1,200 posts. There are also a few users who have made over 300 posts. I’d say that the admin should generally have the most posts.
  19. Cpvr

    Your Forum Name

    My forum originally started as a “directory” of games back in 2004, listing various games. That’s how I came up with the name for my forum, and I’m glad I did—it perfectly fits the theme of my community. I initially wanted the name “,” but it was already taken. Their site also...
  20. Cpvr

    Are you someone who is particular about the foods you eat?

    Same here. I won’t eat liver or crawfish, but I’ll eat basically everything else. I love seafood, but Crawfish is just nasty. I wouldn’t eat it either🤣 I’ll eat pig feet though as long as it’s fried correctly.
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