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  1. Cpvr

    Count to 100 (spelling)

    Forty three
  2. Cpvr

    What's Missing?

    I wouldn’t necessarily go the route of Tapatalk, but an Outh system where you can login directly with your main xenforo account on various forums. Just like how you can create accounts using your facebook account or Google account using the connected accounts feature.
  3. Cpvr

    Quit worrying about new posts

    I don’t think we should ever stop worrying about new posts as it’s a deciding factor of our communities growth. However, we should also focus on the traffic among other things. As long as our communities continue to strive with new content, we’re all doing something right!😏
  4. Cpvr

    Do Big Boards Promote?

    No, digitalpoint is at the point where it promotes itself at this point. However, I do believe that Shawn’s add ons that he releases helps him with marketing the forum as uses “digitalpoint” as his alias on Reddit and on Xenforo. Word of mouth is the strongest growth factor once a forum takes...
  5. Cpvr

    No Major WordPress Updates through 2027!

    It’s already effecting the user, clients and Wordpress’ bottomline. The entire reputation and community is being effected. The whole situation isn’t a good look at all. Matt more than likely lose the case, which is why he has recently had to hire a new attorney to represent him. The judge...
  6. Cpvr

    Hello from Gilroy, California

    Hey there @casportpony Welcome to AAF!
  7. Cpvr

    What's Missing?

    Of course, but wouldn’t it better if there was a central log in system for all forums?
  8. Cpvr

    Happy Birthday, JWeb!

    Happy birthday! @JWeb
  9. Cpvr

    What’s your go to blogging software?

    What software do you prefer to use when you’re starting a new blog? Do you prefer to use wordpress or an alternative like Ghost, Astro, Drupal, or Blogger?
  10. Cpvr

    What's Missing?

    People that want to branch away from social media will actually make forums, so they’ll make a forum. I think we’ll see a lot more forums being created in the near future. Connecting to other forums with the use of the same username is something that I think is missing, especially since you...
  11. Cpvr

    Is the dot forum a flop?

    I believe so. I don’t see the .forum extension as being feasible for community owners. The .com extension is better or .net, however if you want to spend the money for a .forum extension, then by all means for go it. I don’t see it as a good idea. Forums have done well without it. There really...
  12. Cpvr

    Do you do crypto?

    Everything is bleeding right now smh. Bitcoin is down to $80k.
  13. Cpvr

    How do you unwind on a typical day?

    Listening to music also helps me unwind. It’s one of my favorite parts of the day. Funny videos helps me as well. 🤣
  14. Cpvr

    How do you use social media responsibly?

    It sucks to be them, but they should watch what they say, especially if their bosses are watching lmao. However, it’s a good idea to block out your coworkers and bosses if they’re on social media so you don’t get in trouble at work.🤣
  15. Cpvr

    Count to 100 (spelling)

    Forty one
  16. Cpvr

    Hello everyone!

    Welcome to AAF!
  17. Cpvr

    Count to 100 (spelling)

    Thirty nine
  18. Cpvr


    Lurkers lurk because they’re shy and are hesitant to join. The best way to encourage them is to ask more questions and try to lure them in. Create a more welcoming message. Is there a quicker way to register? Such as, can users join via their social media accounts or other accounts such as...
  19. Cpvr

    AI posts make you lose motivation...

    Exactly. I don’t think it’s a serious issue, at least not yet. However, I’d be concern when we reach a point where forums are created and ran by AI bots without human interaction. That’s when we’ll have a major problem. As for writers using AI to assist with content, I’m not too worried about...
  20. Cpvr

    Does spam ever make you want to quit?

    Have you checked your analytics logs or Google search console to see where they could possibly be coming in from? The referral track could help you pin point it. I’d also discourage their ip ranges, so they can’t even make an account.
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