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  1. Shawn Gossman

    Forum Management Blog or Forum?

    Should you start a blog or a forum? If you have to choose between the two, which do you think you would choose? Tell me in the comments below which one you would choose and why? In this article, I’d love to point out the pros and cons of each platform. After this article, you should be able...
  2. Shawn Gossman

    All websites need a blog?

    Do you think that all websites should add a blog? Do you feel that more websites would do better if they had a blog that got new posts here and there? Why or why not?
  3. Shawn Gossman

    Show me your blogs!

    Do you have a blog or multiple blogs? Post them here and show them to me! :) Mine are: My personal blog which I need to update more is:
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