Another Admin Forum: A forum for forum owners!

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A forum where forum owners can discuss running forums. Register or Login Now.

  1. Shawn Gossman

    Buying ads on forums

    I sometimes wonder if buying ads on forums is the only best way to buy ads to promote a forum. In particular, buying ads on a forum relevant to yours that uses the same software or platform. You get 3 things by doing that: 1. You get people interested in joining forums 2. You get people...
  2. Shawn Gossman

    Paid Advertising for Forum Growth

    Have you ever considered paid advertising for forum growth? I think it can work if you go where your audience is and advertise there. If your audience is on X, get ads on X. If they're on Instagram, get ads on Instagram. Your audience could also be on other forums. If those forums sell ads...
  3. Shawn Gossman

    Forum Marketing Top 10 Ways to Promote a Discussion Forum in 2024

    Promoting a discussion forum in 2024 requires a blend of traditional marketing techniques and innovative digital strategies. Whether you're starting a new forum or looking to boost an existing one, these top 10 methods will help you attract and engage a thriving community. 1. Leverage...
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