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  1. Shawn Gossman

    Google Analytics alternative

    Some people don't like Google or its services. But they still need analytics. Do you use a Google Analytics alternative at all? If yes or if you have in the past, what did/do you use? Is it comparable to GA?
  2. Shawn Gossman

    What forum stat do you watch the most?

    There are many forum stats available for viewing. You can add ever more if you integrate GA4 or something like that. Out of all the forum stats available, what metric do you look at the most, and why?
  3. Shawn Gossman

    Analyzing your forum metrics

    How are you all monitoring and watching your forum analytics and metrics? Are you just watching the basic stats that a forum comes with on the footer? Or are you using a service such as Google Analytics or something else? What metrics do you watch for the most?
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