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  1. Shawn Gossman

    When is it time to give up on a forum?

    Reflecting on my previous merge (Blogging Collective to AAF), I was considering just shutting Blogging Collective down and being done with it. I'm glad I merged it instead since the two topics can relate to one another. But I had tried to get the forum going before, and it failed, and then I...
  2. Shawn Gossman

    Have you ever closed down a forum?

    Have you ever shut down your forum for good? Tell us about it here. Why did you do it? Do you regret doing it today? If no, why not? If yes, why so?
  3. Shawn Gossman

    Have you ever watched a forum fail?

    Have you ever been witness to a forum going through a complete failure all the way to a full closure? If so, tell us about it. You don't have to say which forum it is unless you want to. But at least tell us what led to the failure and closure based on your observations?
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