forum theme

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  1. Shawn Gossman

    Do you change to a new theme each year?

    Do you try to add a new default theme each year? If not, how long do you go before adding a new theme?
  2. Shawn Gossman

    Bad idea to change your theme

    Themes are a brand, am I right? A theme is easily identified as a part of your brand. Brands often include colors and logos. But many forums from time to time will change their themes. I feel this could impact the overall brand of the forum and do more damage than good. What do you all think...
  3. Shawn Gossman

    Your forum styles might not be as good as you think!

    Do flashy, modern forum designs drive away users who prefer the classic forum look? Which side are you on?
  4. Shawn Gossman

    Best-looking forum ever?

    What's the best-looking forum you have ever seen? Best-looking in terms of the theme, look, and feel of the forum?
  5. Shawn Gossman

    Changing your forum theme

    How often do you change your forum theme? Do you think changing themes on your forum can help make the community more active or does it bother most members to have to get used to something new?
  6. Shawn Gossman

    Custom themes

    Do you use a custom forum theme at all? If yes, did you make it or did you have someone else make it? We use a premium theme here, but it is in no way custom other than the few color changes I've made to it.
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