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  1. Shawn Gossman

    Spamming your forum

    Have you ever used spamming techniques to grow your forum? Maybe you were young or just starting out. Maybe you still do this. Have any of you ever used this tactic?
  2. Shawn Gossman

    Forum Spam = Loss of Membership

    Has spam on your forum ever driven members away from the forum? Were you able to get those members back or did you wash your hands of them?
  3. Shawn Gossman

    How often do you get forum spam?

    Only certain forums get spammed, really. My local cycling forum, powered by XenForo gets around 3 to 8 spammers a day. The que always gets them and no one ever sees them. AAF might get one a month. How about your forums?
  4. Shawn Gossman

    Stop Forum Spam APIs are back

    Maybe I'm late to the party? But it seems like not long ago, I saw that you couldn't get API keys from Stop Forum Spam for quite a while. I'm guessing because there were so many requests. Now you can, and it looks like they have a new website, too!
  5. Shawn Gossman

    Security Questions

    So, inspired by @JoelR post here, I wanted to create a new topic on the issue of Security Questions. Do you use a security questions feature on your forum to mitigate spam accounts? This is where people registering must answer a question that you defined with an answer that you have assigned to...
  6. Shawn Gossman

    Dealing with Forum Spam

    How do you deal with forum spam? I typically add security questions, Google ReCaptcha, or manually approve. Sometimes I'll use two of these methods to tighten security. Preventing spam is important as it can really hurt the reputation of your forum. I wish forums came default with features to...
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