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Adding your forum to directories

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Do you add your forum to online directories as a way to market it? If yes, what type of directories do you submit your forum to?

If not, do you plan on adding your forum to online directories?

Has any directory listings helped your forum grow?
Directories use to rule the web. You had dmoz and yahoo as the big players. Getting listed in Yahoo was the holy grail. You'd get an insane amount of traffic that actually converted to active users. A listing in dmoz was much easier. If you got listed your site would be on thousands of sites that used dmoz data.

Now directories are an afterthought. Neither dmoz or yahoo directories exist. Google has dominated. G will find your site. Does the traffic compare to the old days of directories. Yes, however, traffic doesn't convert like it used to.
You have to be careful with directories.

People mistakenly pay for "do-follow" links on directories nowadays. Google sees that as buying links and will penalize you for it. Stay away from that tactic!

Are directories still relevant? I don't think so. I can't remember the last time I used one. Can you? Maybe a directory on a forum would be okay, something attached to the forum.

But I'm not about to install a PHP Link Directory (old school aren't I lol) and try to make it popular these days, lol.
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