Are you misusing social media to market your blog?

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
Reaction score
Many people do.

Many people use social media to post promotional content or just blog links.

In reality, it's a terrible way of using it. That's because social has algorithms in place to lower the viewing rank of content that only takes people away from the social platforms. It's not unfair either because every site wants to keep their people on their site.

So, how can you use social media marketing the right way?

The way I use it is to build a community of loyal followers. I post every day so they know when to expect new content. When I post external links, they come to check my page and see new content. But you must post more organic than promotion, like a 90% organic and 10% promotional strategy.

How are you using social media to successfully promote your blog?
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