Bad idea to change your theme

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
Reaction score
Themes are a brand, am I right? A theme is easily identified as a part of your brand.

Brands often include colors and logos.

But many forums from time to time will change their themes.

I feel this could impact the overall brand of the forum and do more damage than good.

What do you all think about this observation?
Would you ask your members about a possible change before changing it? I think it some cases, changing it could be negative to members who are used to the current look and feel. Sometimes new themes and colors can hurt the UX of things.
I am one that thinks a theme is only a part of a community. I never put much emphasis on them. People make the community. I have seen sites with stock theme from the software they use without even changing the logo. They did very well.

I change now use the stock theme with a few tweaks. I honestly don't think users care what the site looks like as long as it functions well.
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