Best social media platform for blogging?

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
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What has worked and what has not worked in terms of social media platforms for blogging?

How about to use the platform itself as a blogging platform?

What about in terms of promoting your blog posts?

What social media platforms have tried for your blogging efforts?
Publishing targeted, detailed tweets and engaging on the platform works well on Twitter.

Publishing highly-detailed updates to targeted Facebook Groups and LinkedIn Groups works for those platforms.

I create and publish text-based content, largely, which promotes what I know and draws targeted readers to my blog, through the blog link I post via my profiles on each network.

Social media folks will tell me that they visited my blog after:

- reading and benefitting from one of my detailed blogging tips updates on social media
- visiting my profile to learn more about me
- seeing my blog link via my profile
- clicking my blog link

That's how the process usually goes.
It depends on which blog for me.

Facebook has been the best for my hiking blog. I have 13K followers and a group with over 32K members. But I'm doing well on X, IG, and YouTube, too.

I don't use TikTok that much, but I try here and there.

But for my blogging blog, X and LinkedIn is what I've found to be best.
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