Blog Categories

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
Reaction score
How do you determine what categories to add to your blog?

Do you try to keep the category amount low?

Or do you add as needed?
I focus almost solely on the blogging tips category for my blog but sometimes add a travel post too - from the travel category - per reader feedback. They wanted me to cover more of my travels even though I intended for my blog to be exclusively about blogging tips. I may be due for another travel-themed post soon. We shall see.
I focus almost solely on the blogging tips category for my blog but sometimes add a travel post too - from the travel category - per reader feedback. They wanted me to cover more of my travels even though I intended for my blog to be exclusively about blogging tips. I may be due for another travel-themed post soon. We shall see.
On my hiking blog, I have a lot of categories. I'm trying to dwindle them down to have more focus on a few rather than too many.

On my blogging blog, I focus on three categories (general, marketing, and profit) with sub-categories within them.

I think that the fewer the categories, the better for organization and strategy.

What do you think?
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