Blog Ring?

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Senior Member
Sep 9, 2023
Reaction score
Perhaps something which would help generate some activity on Blogging Collective and also benefit members who wish to take part. Let's consider (with Shawn's blessing) a blog ring for Blogging Collective members.

Members of the blog ring all include a link to each other's blogs on their own blog. This forms a network of like-minded individuals. Of course, you don't have to visit the other blogs or add comments, but it would be a nice thing to do.

What do people think? Interested?
I just wonder if you'd need to make the webring links "No Follow".

I say that because Google has changed its ranking factors on things like link directories. Some link directories are helpful and beneficial, but most of the directories online are actually harmful due to lack of relevancy and, a lot of times, spam listings.
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