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Shawn Gossman

Staff member
Are any of you blogging?

If so, do you use your blog to drive membership to your forum at all?

If you are doing this, how are you going about doing it?

And is it working at all?
I have a blog although I rarely post to it anymore. Even when I did write up articles and tutorials it rarely sent much traffic to the forum. Linking the articles from the forum to the blog worked very well.
I have a blog although I rarely post to it anymore. Even when I did write up articles and tutorials it rarely sent much traffic to the forum. Linking the articles from the forum to the blog worked very well.
I suppose using your forum to promote your blog posts is ideal then haha.

I have a blog about blogging. I also have a forum about blogging. I link to the forum and have noticed a little bit of traffic and member conversions but not a whole lot.
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