Official Policy Blogging Showcase Special Guidelines

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
Reaction score
Welcome to the Blogging Collective Blogging Showcase. This section is for members to promote their blogs, content, and projects and even request reviews from the community. To ensure that this feature can remain free to all members, we ask that you read and adhere to the following special guidelines:
  1. All submissions must adhere to our Official Guidelines no matter what.
  2. You may only create one NEW TOPIC per blog. A blog may not have more than one topic created for it.
  3. You may update your topic with new blog posts that you create (replying with "bump" isn't allowed)
  4. Do not make a new topic for every post you publish. Add replies to your main topic for the blog with links to your posts. See an example here.
  5. Select the "REVIEW" prefix ONLY if you want the community to review your main blog
  6. Posting your blog doesn't guarantee you any new traffic, subscribers, or comments
If you're making a review of the blog, you may only do so when the REVIEW prefix has been selected. Refrain from negative and disruptive reviews. Instead, offer constructive feedback, which may be criticism. There is a difference between being critical and being disrespectful, and it's common sense.

We reserve the right to remove listings anytime for any reason without warning.
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