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Can you make your own forum logo?

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Shawn Gossman

Staff member
I can, but it's not the greatest.

I'm not that good at logo design. So, when I do it, it's pretty generic.

How about you?

Are you able to create your own forum logo? If yes, how good are you at it?

If no, what is your next step?
Did you make the logo for this forum? I like it :)

I used to love making logos, but not anymore. It's hard to get inside someone's head to know what they really want, especially when they don't even know.

As for my forums...I no longer own any, but I do run one and am Admin on some others. The one I run I did a new logo and loved it. There was a forum I used to own and had so much fun creating the logo for it. It's not what I had in mind when I first started the forum, but it worked out perfectly in the end.
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