Connected Accounts

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Jul 5, 2024
Reaction score
Do you all allow people to join / login with connected accounts?

This would be like Facebook, X, Google, Apple, etc.

Do you think this is a good way to encourage people to join forums or do you find it to be a hassle?
I used too. Now it's just too much hassle to set them up.
That's what I figured. They're always changing the way they do their APIs so you have to keep up with it.
I used too. Now it's just too much hassle to set them up.
That's why I haven't added Facebook login to my forum yet, but I also forgot because I've been working on many other things to improve my forum.
I used too. Now it's just too much hassle to set them up.
Yeah, as soon as Facebook made you verify company status... I dropped them.

They want to be in every aspect of your life.
I see XenForo is setup to enable Google and Apple logins.

I wonder if those would be good for encouraging mobile users to register.
I have facebook and reddit enabled on my forum as connected accounts, so users can join with their accounts from these two platforms if they’d like.
I have facebook and reddit enabled on my forum as connected accounts, so users can join with their accounts from these two platforms if they’d like.
How much do you have to update the Facebook one?

I'm assuming both use a developer API or something like that?
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