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Daily Forum Promotion

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Shawn Gossman

Staff member
Do you promote your forum on a daily basis?

I often wonder if we took 30 minutes out of our day to promote our forum, every day, would the significantly grow?

If you tried a different method each day or week, you could also determine which methods are best.

Do you promote daily and if so, how do you promote your forum?
I usually try to promote a topic or two on my forum’s Facebook and Tumblr pages daily, along with my Twitter accounts. I typically share the topic and ask for users’ opinions to engage them on those platforms as well.

I also keep an eye on what’s happening in my niche on various subreddits to see if I can promote my forum there too.
I usually try to promote a topic or two on my forum’s Facebook and Tumblr pages daily, along with my Twitter accounts. I typically share the topic and ask for users’ opinions to engage them on those platforms as well.
How are the social shares going? Getting much conversion with it?
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