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Dealing with Forum Spam

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Shawn Gossman

Staff member
How do you deal with forum spam?

I typically add security questions, Google ReCaptcha, or manually approve. Sometimes I'll use two of these methods to tighten security.

Preventing spam is important as it can really hurt the reputation of your forum.

I wish forums came default with features to prohibit links from users before a certain number of posts are reached. I think that alone could help curb a lot of spam issues.

Do you do anything special to deal with forum spam?
Spam isn't as big a problem as it used to be. The spam filters of modern software do a good job of stopping it.

I have a list of stopwords I use that does it's job. No need for fancy filters.

I do believe spammers have moved on to sites like Reddit. Forums don't have the same global appeal they one did.
Here it is:


Copy and paste to Options > Spam management > Spam phrases.
Active members, members with more than 10 posts, can post without restrictions. I have it set that spam filters only scan the first 10 posts by new users. Some sites it's set to 3.
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