The tech forums are sold. I had an off topic forum and sold it. The person I sold it too bought it because he didn't agree with what some of the users were saying. He deleted all the content and left an f-u as the domain index.
I started
Just BS violating my NDA as an f-u to him. Most of the same users found the site so his motive to close the site thinking they would beg him to reopen was over. He threatened legal action and wanted his money back. Sent some bogus emails from a made up law firm. When that didn't work he joined Just BS and bad mouthed me saying I scammed him. There is a thread that has to the whole thing.
In the end he turned the domain back to me and I reopened that site. The domain expired while I was sick and I reopened it as
Off Topic Free Speech Forum.
So that's how I came to own 2 off topic forums.