Does writing destress you?

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
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Writing really takes the stress away from me.

How about you?
I can’t imagine anyone who says that writing distresses them would be a blogger.

I wrote, briefly, about my reasons for blogging here:

You see, the one thing I have always found about having a blog is the cathartic effects of writing. Sometimes the thoughts in my head need an outlet. They need to be allowed out for a walk. Sometimes they dance across the keyboard and words appear. Writing is therapy.
And it’s helped. It really has. When the thoughts in your head get too much for you to sort out, putting those thoughts down as words on a page or a screen is really helpful; even if those words don’t get published. They can sit in drafts for days or weeks or months. They can be written in private and then deleted. It’s entirely up to the writer.
I love to write! I've kept a diary since 1990. Words have always held a fascination for me. I wrote poems when I was younger. I also write stories which are actually just a more detailed version of my diary! I write because it makes me feel good, helps get thoughts out of my head. The majority of what I write is just for my own eyes although I have shown some to my husband.
I'm trying to maintain a daily blog (though I do slack) for personal blogging.

Writing is a great way to kill stress.

My last job was horridly stressful. I was so stressful that after 13 years, I quit without a new job lined up. That's pretty stressful, right?

If it wasn't for writing, I'm not sure how I would have coped without going nuts lol.

I got a lot of writing done back then! But I still get a healthy amount done now and now I have a job that I absolutely love :)
I'm trying to maintain a daily blog (though I do slack) for personal blogging.

Writing is a great way to kill stress.

My last job was horridly stressful. I was so stressful that after 13 years, I quit without a new job lined up. That's pretty stressful, right?

If it wasn't for writing, I'm not sure how I would have coped without going nuts lol.

I got a lot of writing done back then! But I still get a healthy amount done now and now I have a job that I absolutely love :)
Do you write throughout the day or you sit down & write? I have pencil & paper always around & in my pockets to jot down notes.
I found it useful as I may have an idea for either my forum or general. It is also helpful when I'm stressed out. I find I take notes when I'm out for my walks & the two together really helps calm me down.
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