XenForo Favorite XenForo Paid Addons

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Jul 5, 2024
Reaction score
What are your favorite XenForo paid addons?

Who are among your favorite paid addon creators?
Pretty much anything from Bob over at XenAddons for heavy lifting and extending the site to more than a forum with a gallery/resource site.
For some of the back end stuff is Xon.... but I'm still waiting on one of my main paid add-ons from him to get updated to 2.3 compatibility so I can upgrade.
I think one of the reasons that he's been slow to upgrade it is because XenForo did some of what his add-on offers in their new 2.3 core so he's got to redesign it. I prefer his add-on because it, as is normal with XenForo add-ons, extends the bare bones basic of what XF offers in ways that benefit the site.
Xon and Bob are definitely good ones.

I have Xon's addon list to add as the community grows if I need extra settings for mentions, PMs, etc. Xon is good about utility addons.
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