Another Admin Forum: A forum for forum owners!

Forum Signatures

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Shawn Gossman

Staff member
Do you join other forums and promote your forum on your signature?

Do you think this is a good practice or is it spam?

What if the forum has rules against it? Would you still participate?
Yes, I use my forum signature on other forums. I think it’s a good way to brand yourself. It's also an effective way to build backlinks to your forum.

I don’t believe it’s spam as long as you don’t immediately add a link to your forum signature upon joining. I generally wait until I’m established on the forum.

I would still participate on the forum even if forum signatures weren't allowed.
Yes, I use my forum signature on other forums. I think it’s a good way to brand yourself. It's also an effective way to build backlinks to your forum.

I don’t believe it’s spam as long as you don’t immediately add a link to your forum signature upon joining. I generally wait until I’m established on the forum.

I would still participate on the forum even if forum signatures weren't allowed.
I like your response on this issue.

I think it's really fair and I especially like the fact that you wait a little while.

Of course, a community like this, AAF, no waiting is needed, because it's all about forums so it's very welcome :)
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