Forums: Early 2000s versus Now

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Jul 5, 2024
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How has your views, opinions, and perspectives changed on how you look at forums now versus how you did in the early 2000s if you were into them back then?

Have these things changed over the years, or do you feel the same way you did then as you do now?
In the early days of forums they were the best places to get help or just BS with other people. There wasn't anything like them and they caught on very fast. It was easy to get a community going. "If you build it they will come" was real.

Now you have to work hard to build a community. Even if you succeed in building a community you have to keep the users engaged. Attention spam has shortened through the years. People used to enjoy browsing a forum looking for what they wanted. Now users want the info yesterday.
The early days were definitely great.

But I kind of like the challenge of it these days. It's healthy to challenge your brain and experiment. It teaches you new skills and trades which may help you later on down the road.

Nothing wrong with hard work. It feels better when you achieve a goal.
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