Guest surge based from Brazil (and Morocco)

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Senior Member
Oct 14, 2024
Reaction score
Anyone notice a sudden influx of guests hitting your site from Brazil and hitting the error page (denoted by the exclamation mark in the triangle if using Xenforo)?
I was online recently and noticed that I had 58 guests visiting. When looking at the members online list, the majority of them had the error page notice shown by them. Further checking revealed that they were primarily from Brazil with a few from Morocco thrown in.

It was really unusual because usually CF catches most of the bots. And I find it really doubtful that many people would be visiting my astronomy site from Brazil at one time (they IP's were spread ISPs across Brazil and all appeared to be telephone service/ISP related).

This is probably not restricted to Xenforo, but since it is what I run primarily it is where I noticed it.
I don't notice that many foreign IPs on here but I sure do get a lot of them on my vBulletin forums.
They come in spurts. I noticed it yesterday about the same time also. It's why I think it may be a bot infestation of some type on Brazilian home computers. I know that they are known to get hard by spammers/hackers injecting home computers with click bait.
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