How narrow is your niche?

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
Reaction score
A main niche is often saturated.

For example, there are tens of thousands of hiking blogs online.

Imagine trying to compete with tens of thousands of blogs.

So, instead of blogging about everything hiking, I had to narrow down my niche.

I went with a geographically narrowing and went local.

I blog about my area more.

Are you practicing this? Are you narrowing down your niche?
My blog is literature based. However, I can branch out and do movies and/or tv shows based on literature so it can include other things I like as well.
My blog is literature based. However, I can branch out and do movies and/or tv shows based on literature so it can include other things I like as well.
Yours is pretty much general literature then right?

Some niches you can get away with that.

Others, it's so saturated that you really want to go down a level or two.
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