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How often do you post on your forum?

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Shawn Gossman

Staff member
How often do you post on your own forum?

Do you post on it every day?

Do you feel like we should post new topics every single day?
I generally post on my forum daily. I may not create new topics every day, but I try my best to respond to existing posts.

I think we should post new topics daily when the forum is just starting out, but it’s okay if we don’t post every day, especially if we compensate by posting multiple topics on some days to make up for the lack of new ones.
I generally post on my forum daily. I may not create new topics every day, but I try my best to respond to existing posts.

I think we should post new topics daily when the forum is just starting out, but it’s okay if we don’t post every day, especially if we compensate by posting multiple topics on some days to make up for the lack of new ones.
I have a goal to post at least three topics a day while my forums are new.

I just fear it might look like I'm posting too much.
On new forums I try to post everyday. On the others, since most are tech sites, I post when someone needs help.
I have a goal to post at least three topics a day while my forums are new.

I just fear it might look like I'm posting too much.
I used to think this way as well, but I believe it’s our job as owners to lead by example. We need to set the standards in our community.

If we’re not posting new topics, users probably won’t either. There’s no reason to be afraid of posting too much.
I used to think this way as well, but I believe it’s our job as owners to lead by example. We need to set the standards in our community.

If we’re not posting new topics, users probably won’t either. There’s no reason to be afraid of posting too much.
I think you're right.

I've been posting every day (I miss one here and there) and adding new topics and replying to all you folks. I'm going to keep doing that even if I'm the only one posting new topics.
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