Another Admin Forum: A forum for forum owners!

Howdy, I'm Al!

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A forum where forum owners can discuss running forums. Register or Login Now.


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To clarify: Not AI, Al. No, that's not very clear. Not AI, AL with an el. It's short for Alan. Sorry, this was supposed to be 'to clarify' not 'to confuse.' Sometimes my typing fingers get away from my brain.

So... Anyway, yeah, I'm Al. I've been in and around forums since 2003 when I joined (I would love to get my hands on that domain - maybe when I make my millions). That started a love/hate affair with forums and community management which persists to this day.

Forums. I love them. Forget Reddit, forget Discord, forget Facebook and Twitter and all the rest. They're pretenders to the daddy of online communities. Nothing handles an online community quite like a bloody good forum. I enjoy creating them and managing them. I enjoy participating on them too. I've met some really great people on forums from all over the globe. I've been exposed to ideas and outlooks which I never would have had the chance to experience here in the north east of England.

Forums. I hate them. They require a huge amount of work to manage and promote successfully. I've been exposed to ignorance and bigotry which I never would have had the chance to experience here in the north east of England.

I lament the demise of forums. Once upon a time you'd create a forum and people would flock to it. These were the days before the rise of social media and the instant gratification which such sites offer. Forums generate discussions and relationships which you don't find on Reddit - which let's face it, is the real community killer. I have interacted on Reddit but never formed a single connection in almost ten years of use.

Despite the demise I have never given up wanting to create a fantastic, tight-knit, community. And that's what brings me to AAF. I have two forums currently. Sanctuary: Shattered Sun News and Eat Sleep Game Repeat - both in the gaming niche. Both still needing some tender loving care.

Outside of forums, I blog. I have loads of blogs, it seems. Again, in the gaming niche with an ancient off and on personal blog which has experienced my highs and lows.

Outside of blogs and forums, well a little about me. I'm 46 - ya, ancient, I know. I have three boys aged 16, 5 and 3 who keep me on my toes and youthful. I work a difficult and dangerous but hilariously fun job (I get to drive really fast and put bad guys in jail). I enjoy videogames (obviously) of all types with a particular focus on strategy genres. I'm a big science fiction fan and consume TV, movies and books in science fiction at a rate which is unhealthy. There's probably more but my curry has just arrived so I'm off to eat.

Any questions, just ask.
Law enforcement I take it?

Thanks for joining! You're my first member. The other member "Boss" is my test account. :)
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