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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
Reaction score
What would make you quit running and using forums altogether?

Have you ever almost been at that point?
I wouldn't stop using forums altogether because I ran from using social media platforms to forums because I was looking for a better place to engage.

I will only stop using forums where my mental health and peace of mind is being threatened. Some years ago, I had a horrible experience in one gaming forums VGR. One of the staff who's also a mod was a sadist, racist and an annoying piece of a shîtty human being.

I had to quit using the forum for about 3 years until the owner kept asking me to come back. I'm back in the forum with the mod staying out of my business. I have over 20k contents on the forum.
I don't have to use forums anymore. I find more answers on ChatGPT and Quora than forums these days.
I don't have to use forums anymore. I find more answers on ChatGPT and Quora than forums these days.
Did you use forums for answers primarily? I always used forums about 95% for social and community aspects - making friends. The other 5% were answers but I still would rather get opinions from people rather than AI that could give inaccuracy.
Forums used to come up in Google search results for me. But not recently. It still does, but not often though.
Absolutely nothin would make me quit running a forum.

I did take my vacation a few years ago but I had to for my health. I always missed forums back then, too.
Absolutely nothin would make me quit running a forum.
It's exactly the same thing with me when it comes to using forums. Social media platforms doesn't compare to forums which is why leaving forums will never be possible for me.
It's exactly the same thing with me when it comes to using forums. Social media platforms doesn't compare to forums which is why leaving forums will never be possible for me.
I'll always have a need for forums but social media isn't bad once you figure out how to play with the algorithm. I really go out of my way to customize my experience on social media. I spend a good deal of time rating the content and marking out the type of posts I don't want to see.

Like political posts - the cess pool of social media. I don't hardly ever see them anymore because I would hide everyone I saw.
Like political posts - the cess pool of social media. I don't hardly ever see them anymore because I would hide everyone I saw.
They are always in my face on most of my social media accounts. At some point, I get tired of dealing with them because they're not really what I came for on those sites.
I don't have to use forums anymore. I find more answers on ChatGPT and Quora than forums these days.
I find I get more accurate information from forums than ChatGPT or Quora. Double check some of the info from them sometimes and you will learn not to trust them very quickly. They are a good source to add from though. Forums are where it is at.
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