XenForo If XF raises its price, will you stay with them?

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
Reaction score
Everyone is raising their prices.

Not just software, either. New vehicles can cost nearly $50,000 more than they did 10 years ago. Food is more expensive. Everything is going up.

If XenForo decides to raise their prices again, will you stay with them? Why will you? If not, what alternative would you choose?
I left xenforo for other reasons. Price wasn't one of them. As you said everything goes up. I wanted to take my sites in a direction where they are more than forums and didn't want to rely on addons to do it.
Probably not... in fact, once 2.4 gets released and stable I'll most likely be staying with it for quite a while unless 3.0 brings some earth shattering features (both from an admin/server aspect and QOL for the users aspect) to the table. And honestly, I don't expect either one to happen with the small improvements that they have historically been making.
Just look at the way that XFES, XFRM and XFMG have languished for QOL improvements. They have a hard enough time doing such for the core script much less those 1st party add-ons.
Probably. But that's mostly due to the fact I just don't have the time to transfer to another software.
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