Merge Gone Wrong

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
Reaction score
Have you ever done a forum merge and it went badly?

If yes, tell us about it!
A few times. It happens. Last one was a couple weeks ago. I went to merge one computer help forum into another. It stalled halfway and errors on a missing db table. I added the table and started the converter. It started from the beginning again duplicating what it already did. I stopped it rolled back to the backup I made before I started. Restarted the import and it went well.

I didn't use to make backups before doing an import. Something told me to make one this time. Glad I did.
I usually backup before merging nowadays but I feel like I lost my big forum because the merge of the one I acquired probably was the culprit that corrupted the database.
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