Off-Topic Section

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
Reaction score
Should every forum have an off-topic section?

Have you ever run a forum where you decided not to put an off-topic section? If so, why? And did it work out?
I believe that it's necessary to have an off topic section in a forum but it's more important to watch how contents go three there more than that main area of the forum.

If it's possible to close off the area when there's too much influx of contents there in order to boost more contents being made in the niche area, it should be done.
Believe it or not, I've seen forums in the past do better by not having an off topic section.

Sure, they might turn away some users who want that but then again, they can focus on those who are more niche.
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