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Paid Advertising for Forum Growth

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Shawn Gossman

Staff member
Have you ever considered paid advertising for forum growth?

I think it can work if you go where your audience is and advertise there.

If your audience is on X, get ads on X. If they're on Instagram, get ads on Instagram.

Your audience could also be on other forums. If those forums sell ads, buy some from them and see how it works out.

Have any of you purchased forum ads at all? Was it helpful?

If not, what is stopping you?
I haven’t launched a paid advertisement campaign as I’m more of a fan of advertising via the means of word of mouth and social media.

I like promoting my forum’s content on Facebook, Twitter(X) and Tumblr along with Reddit.

It’s a lot easier to promote without spending money sometimes, but I have considered it.
I haven’t launched a paid advertisement campaign as I’m more of a fan of advertising via the means of word of mouth and social media.

I like promoting my forum’s content on Facebook, Twitter(X) and Tumblr along with Reddit.

It’s a lot easier to promote without spending money sometimes, but I have considered it.
Social media advertising is more effective in my opinion.

But really, buying ads on relatable forums might even do you better because you're already promoting to forum users.

Stick to relatable forums that use the same software are you and you'll probably do better because the niche users are used to the software you use.
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