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Post Exchanging

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Shawn Gossman

Staff member
How do you feel about post exchanging with other forum owners?

To those who don't know what that is, it's where you join another forum and post topics and replies as a member. You set up a profile, upload a photo, and post as if you're a member. In exchange, the owner of that forum does the same thing on your forum. It's an exchange of membership and activity.

The idea of post exchanges is to give each forum more content and members, which will help reflect its active nature.

Post-exchanging is more beneficial for new forums that lack activity.

Post exchanges can be for X:X amount or go ongoing for as long as the two forum owners wish to remain in a partnership of exchanging content.

Post-exchanging is real, but some forum owners find it a bad way to gain activity. Another controversial subject is that some forum owners post low-quality posts in their exchanges.

How do you feel about post-exchanging as a whole?

Do you practice it? Why or why not?
I’m a fan of post exchanges and actually engage in daily and weekly ones with a couple of forum owners. I think it’s a good idea to engage in them to keep content flowing in each other’s communities.

It’s also beneficial for the community-building process and attracting new users.
I’m a fan of post exchanges and actually engage in daily and weekly ones with a couple of forum owners. I think it’s a good idea to engage in them to keep content flowing in each other’s communities.

It’s also beneficial for the community-building process and attracting new users.
I've always enjoyed post-exchanges myself, too.

I like being able to experience different communities.

I like helping out but only if the partner gives to same quality in return.
This here is absolutely critical to a successful post exchange. It really pisses me off when I put actual effort into a post exchange and get trash in return. Really, really, pisses me off.
It discourages me from doing exchanges when that happens.

My posts will always be of a higher quality because I want a good reputation.
This is typical bullshit, and it’s why I don’t like doing post exchanges with new people. I prefer doing them with webmasters that I’m familiar with and that I’ve seen around for years.
This here is absolutely critical to a successful post exchange. It really pisses me off when I put actual effort into a post exchange and get trash in return. Really, really, pisses me off.
I agree! It also pisses me off when you actively post on someone’s forum and then you don’t get the same posts back in return.
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