Promoting your blog using Guerilla Marketing Tactics

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
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Have you ever heard of Guerilla Marketing?

Guerrilla marketing is the creating use of novel or unconventional methods to boost sales or attract interest in a blog. It is widely used by brands and businesses outside of blogging. But it can easily be used for blogs as well. You just need to use your imagination.

How could you use Guerrilla marketing for your blog?

A few examples:
  • Create a flash mob event. For example, if your blog is about athleisure, get a group of people (appearing as random strangers) to come out in public wearing athletic clothing, all of a sudden form into a group, and hold a banner with your blog on it while dancing or doing some sort of aerobics. You could do that for fitness blogs, too.
  • You could use social media campaigns to make interactive challenges using hashtags and images of your blog. You can host giveaways to those who participate.
  • Scavenger and treasure hunting
  • Storytelling
  • and more...
What do you think of these ideas?

Have you ever done this kind of marketing using a different example? Please share it here!
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