Registration Length

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
Reaction score
How long do you register your domain for each time you re-register it?

I typically register for the first time in a year to make sure I do something with it. If I haven't done anything in a year (that happens, too) then I let it go.

If it's on a site that makes it and I like doing it, I usually register for 2 or 3 years at a time when re-registering.

How about you all?
If it's a site I'm trying out, I'll register for a year, then if still interested another year. Usually after 2 years I know if I want to keep it.
My email domain is one I've had for 21 years. I don't run a site on it, it's mainly just for email since I started using it way back and used Google Workspaces when it was free and just carried over to the paid accounts when they did away with it.
Another one I've had for 11 years and do not host a site on it - as it was originally purchased when I was thinking about setting up a VPS hosting provider but decided I did not want the headaches. I use it now for several of my server setups.
My others I'll usually register for 5 years out after the first 2 years.
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That's pretty much my routine.

If my host offered 5 years, I'd choose that LOL
If my host offered 5 years, I'd choose that LOL
Justy do multiple 1-2 years if they allow it. That's what I used to do with a few of them. Multiple back to back renewals.
Justy do multiple 1-2 years if they allow it. That's what I used to do with a few of them. Multiple back to back renewals.
Mine allows up to 2 years. That's what I usually do for my important ones, but I do get what you're saying :D
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