Another Admin Forum: A forum for forum owners!

SEO Tactics to Boost Your Forum's Visibility

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Shawn Gossman

Staff member
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential for increasing your forum’s visibility on search engines.

Let's get into advanced SEO tactics specifically tailored for forums, including keyword optimization, content creation, and link-building strategies.

Exchange tips on how to improve your forum's ranking and attract organic traffic.

What can we do on a community for SEO when we know not all members will be on board with SEP practices and we shouldn't require them to, right?
We need to answer users' questions to make SEO work best to our advantage, especially on our forums. Users these days aren’t just searching for specific keywords anymore; they’re typing questions into search engines and expecting answers.

Therefore, we need to write content targeting these questions and provide clear answers.

We should also utilize header tags in forum posts and other pages, and ensure we interlink our topics.

For example, if we already have a topic about Twitter, we should link to it in any new topic about Twitter.

This way, we pass link juice to all our pages, making it easier to get most of them indexed and crawled as long as we interlink them.

Another effective tactic is to build backlinks to our other pages, not just our forum’s homepage. We want to rank our entire forum well in search results, not just the main page.

Also, use different link anchors while building links.
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