Should you create a daily writing habit?

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
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Writing every day can result in you becoming a better writer and blogger.

You don't necessarily have to publish a blog post every single day.

But if you can -- you should!

Seth Godin has been doing it every day for more than 10 years. Talk about discipline and knowledge.

But just sitting down and writing daily, even if on a single article to publish for the week, will significantly improve your ability to write.

Would you accept the challenge? Why or why not?
Following a daily writing habit is the most direct, simplest way to become confident and clear as a blogger. As noted, there is no need to actually publish blog posts daily but at least write online, here on this forum, via social media or even offline if it feels right.
Following a daily writing habit is the most direct, simplest way to become confident and clear as a blogger. As noted, there is no need to actually publish blog posts daily but at least write online, here on this forum, via social media or even offline if it feels right.
I think that's a great idea.

Write online - whether on communities, social, or your blog.

And even offline. I try to spend a little bit each day writing on larger articles that typically take me longer to write.
While commitment plays a large role, it depends on what other priorities one has as well.
I personally write, not blog articles, just general, when the mood strikes me. It could be a writing frenzy one day & then days go by & it's minimal.
If people find setting a time & place works for them, that is great. But I also don't believe in just forcing oneself. If your mind is distracted, you won't get much done.
This must be different however for people writing for a job or for their "followers".
Gist, not one size fits all & we need to find something that works for us. :)
While commitment plays a large role, it depends on what other priorities one has as well.
I personally write, not blog articles, just general, when the mood strikes me. It could be a writing frenzy one day & then days go by & it's minimal.
If people find setting a time & place works for them, that is great. But I also don't believe in just forcing oneself. If your mind is distracted, you won't get much done.
This must be different however for people writing for a job or for their "followers".
Gist, not one size fits all & we need to find something that works for us. :)
This is true.

Setting a daily writing habit also reveals when you are self-sabotaging by running away from skills development, freedom and worldly success versus forcing yourself to get stuff done. Everyone has to figure out this different driver on their own because the 1000's of failing bloggers I've seen over the years almost always mistake mild discomfort for forcing themselves, pushing themselves too much, etc.

The ego voice in our mind is genius, incredibly clever and hellish, really. It will try its best to convince you of what is not true, to cover up what is.

Spending time in quiet always reveals when we are forcing things and need to pull back for a bit, or, when we are terrified of success, freedom and fulfillment, but mask it under the egoic guise of "forcing things."

I'm sharing this my friend because a collection of bloggers believes that my output is the work of AI, or, 10 writers, when it is just me, one person, thinking similar to the thought process above, challenging myself and everyone around me at every turn.

Food for thought, for sure.
I'm sharing this my friend because a collection of bloggers believes that my output is the work of AI, or, 10 writers, when it is just me, one person, thinking similar to the thought process above, challenging myself and everyone around me at every turn.
That to me is one of the TRUEST forms of blogging, too!
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