Would you use nulled software, addons, or themes?

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nulled software, addons, and themes are basically copies of paid products that are made available for free.

They typically do so illegally and often violate copyright guidelines.

However, many forum owners use them.

Have you ever used them?

If yes, how can you justify doing it when it most cases, it's theft?
Anyone that uses them takes a risk. You don't know what they hid in there when they nulled the software.

While I don't condone using nulled software I do understand why people do it. Some can't afford the price tag on the software.
I can honestly say I have never used any nulled software, not even PhotoShop back in the day when it was popular to do so. I'm not even one of those that pirated Windows back in the day. I preferred to run OS/2 or Linux.
I bought clone software before.

I learned my lesson on that - lots of backdoors and the next day, every website I had was defaced by Islamic hacker terrorists. LOL.

That was a long time ago. I learned my lesson!
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